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Testata registrata presso il Tribunale di Patti Reg. n. 197 del 19/07/2006
The Interpretation Problems of Multilingual Treaties
Interpretation in international law1
“Interpretation” is, at the same time, a definite and vague term. Simplistically,
it could be thought as “a way of explaining what is unclear”, a definition
applicable in every possible field or topic. However, when it comes to identify
in detail what this term refers to in the specific field of international law,
things are not as easy.
This problem has been dealt with by an incredible number of experts and the
different definitions that have been given are countless, given the vastness of
the matter and all the slight differences and points of view. Considering these
facts, I will not attempt to introduce my definition, nor to refer some other
authors’ one, in fact, by doing so, I would implicitly deny the validity of all
the ones that are not taken into consideration. Instead, I will try to give a
quick, general classification of the different sides of the question, so to
clarify on what levels the debate has been taking place.
Namely, there are three different approaches or classifications relevant for
this paper:
1. Textual, subjective, teleological interpretation;
2. Restrictive, extensive, analogical interpretation;
3. Autonomous, uniform, international interpretation.
Textual, subjective, teleological interpretation
These three different types of interpretation are centred on a distinction
of the basis chosen to rely on, they are therefore to be considered as three
different methods, or ways, of facing the interpreting process. This distinction
might seem somewhat weak and irrelevant, but it is of great importance in a
realistic international environment, also considering its link with the inner
structure of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the law of treaties.
Textual interpretation is also called objective. Its rationale is to focus on
the text of the treaty, considering it the only source for interpretation as it
is thought to be the authentic expression of the intention of the parties; the
declared and effective will of the parties are therefore considered identical
and embodied in the text.
Subjective interpretation is not as strict, it does rely on the text, but it
tends to consider the intention of the parties as an element separate from the
text. The reference is hence to the effective will of the parties, which does
not appear from the text as it has been written, whereas from the logical
construction of the treaty itself as well as from the object and purpose of the
treaty and the contingent situation in which the treaty has been drafted.
Last but not least, teleological interpretation takes another step forward: it
is not based on the intention of the parties, nor on the text of the treaty, but
on its declared or intended purpose. In this third meaning, the most relevant
subject is not the parties anymore: the text of the treaty itself is awarded a
much higher position. This consideration is particularly worth of attention in
situations in which there are problems of authenticity of a text, or when it
comes to distinguish between a text and a version of a treaty.
None of these three methods is necessarily right or wrong, nor obviously is its
application in a particular context. The general trend, however, has recently
been of having the subjective interpretation slowly fade in favour of the
textual one, which is often jointly considered with the teleological. This
“unwritten rule” also appears in the Vienna Convention of 1969, that embodies
all the interpreting methods outlined above, implicitly giving a sort of
hierarchical order on the one to use.
Restrictive, extensive, analogical interpretation
This second classification is somewhat different from the previous one, in
fact these three other meanings refer to the outcome of the interpretative
process, and not to an interpreting method. On a logical level this is proved by
the fact that, by admitting one, the possibility of considering the other two is
inevitably rejected.
Restrictive interpretation has been for a long time predominant in international
law, although now the focus is shifting to the extensive and analogical one. Its
concept is apposing a sort of limitation to the “broadness” originally given to
the sense of the treaty, just as if its text were saying more than what the
legislators really intended it to do.
On the other hand, extensive interpretation uses precisely the opposite concept,
which is to give a meaning to a treaty that is larger than what has been written.
In a nutshell, the treaty is considered to mean less than what the legislators
were trying to say, and therefore the interpretation is based not on what is
written, whereas on what the real intention of the legislators is thought to be.
When does each one of the two apply then? There is no established rule for
applying one or the other, all is left to the work of the interpreter in
relation to the situation and to the linkages of the considered treaty or law.
In the past, restrictive interpretation of international treaties was thought to
be essential for guaranteeing State liberty and sovereignty, however, the
current trend is to favour the extensive one. This shift finds its origin in the
developing collaboration that has recently been taking place between Governments,
or, in other words, on the proof that States can deal, participate in other ones’
foreign policy and accept recommendations without giving up their sovereignty
and liberty.
Thirdly, analogical interpretation belongs to the same dimension of the outlined
two, but differs for the method it follows and is generally used when a case
needs solved and other outcomes are proved useless. What is sought for here, is
not understanding the real intention of the legislator, whereas comparing
international treaties or laws ruling similar matters and move from that basis
to look for a solution in order to clear the practical situation.
Autonomous, uniform, international interpretation
This last classification touches yet another dimension of meaning, in fact
it relates especially to a linguistic and terminological field. Translation is
alone a very delicate topic, but it becomes even more delicate when the object
of translation is an official document, a treaty for example. Terms are almost
never perfectly translated in another language, because the correspondent one
has never the exact meaning, due to linguistic or cultural differences. The
implications of choosing a term for a translation instead of another one are
therefore virtually infinite and so are the consequences when considering
international law. Hence, the different applicable methods are not discussed
here, this division only tries to clarify what the generally followed trends
These three are, as well as the previous ones, different results of a process
and not interpreting methods. Moreover, they are not mutually exclusive, in fact
“autonomous interpretation is always international and international
interpretation is always uniform, but uniform interpretation is not necessarily
international or autonomous”2.
Uniform interpretation is a larger “container” that includes the autonomous and
the international ones; it is an obligation taken by the States that participate
in a treaty for which they all agree that a particular term should have one
single meaning in the considered context. The will of the States is then the
basis for its existence: when a common will disappears, the basis for a uniform
interpretation falls as well.
Autonomous interpretations takes place in the situations in which an expression
or a term of a treaty is given a meaning that is coherent with the text and the
conditions considered, but does not necessarily respond to the meaning the same
term has in the parties’ internal legislations. There is a slight but important
difference between these two cases: in the former, everything relies on the
effective will of the States to carry on the situation, whereas the latter only
identifies an existent situation in which the States and their will do not play
any direct role.
International interpretation works in a similar way to the autonomous: there is
a recognized difference between the meaning of a term in a national environment
and in an international one. In this second case, there might be conditions
under which some expressions, not linked to any treaty, convention or law, are
awarded a specific meaning; this unique connotation corresponds to its
international interpretation.
Multilingualism in international treaties
The previous chapter was focused on three views of what is meant by the term “interpretation”.
Specifically there are three relevant classifications I identified: the first
one dealing with the choice of an interpreting method, the second one
considering the result of the interpreting process, the third one relative to
the different meanings that foreign words can assume in an international
In this chapter I will draw the attention on the importance of multilingualism
in international law. First I will give a brief description of the International
Law Commission, a very relevant actor in international law, secondly I will
focus on the drafting and on some parts of the Vienna Convention on the Law of
Treaties of 1969. Specifically, I will consider Article 33 on interpretation of
multilingual treaties, Articles 31 and 32 on rules of interpretation, Article 79
on the correction of errors.
The International Law Commission and the drafting of the 1969 Vienna
Convention on the Law of Treaties
The International Law Commission (ILC henceforth) is, in the frame of
international law, an unprecedented institution for its importance and tasks. It
was created after the end of World War II through the United Nations by virtue
of General Assembly Resolution 174 (II) of November 21st, 1947, which
provides that the “General Assembly resolves to establish an “International Law
Commission”…which shall exercise its functions in accordance with the provisions
of the annexed Statute”3.
This resolution – and therefore the creation of the Commission itself – was
inspired directly by the UN Charter, which provides inter alia that “the General
Assembly shall initiate studies and make recommendations for the purpose of…
encouraging the progressive development of international law and its
codification”4; it is
worth noting, with referral to the text of G.A. Resolution 174 (II), that the
ILC Statute’s wording in defining the Commission’s duties, is a perfect
recalling of this article5.
At its first session, in 1949, the Commission reviewed, on the basis of a
Secretariat memorandum entitled "Survey of international law in relation to the
work of codification of the International Law Commission", twenty-five topics
for possible inclusion in a list of topics for study. Following its
consideration of the matter, the Commission drew up a provisional list of
fourteen topics selected for codification, as follows:
√ Recognition of States and Governments
√ Succession of States and Governments
√ Jurisdictional immunities of States and their property
√ Jurisdiction with regard to crimes committed outside national territory
√ Regime of the high seas
√ Regime of territorial waters
√ Nationality, including statelessness
√ Treatment of aliens
√ Right of Asylum
√ Law of treaties
√ Diplomatic intercourse and immunities
√ Consular intercourse and immunities
√ State responsibility
√ Arbitral procedure
Although it was understood that the above list of fourteen topics was only
provisional and that additions or deletions might be made after further study by
the Commission or in compliance with the wishes of the General Assembly, the
list has continued to constitute the Commission's basic long-term programme
of work.
Since 1949 the Commission has submitted final drafts or reports with respect to
eleven of the above-mentioned topics or sub-topics6.
The Law of Treaties, particularly, has been dealt in several occasions and in
referral to different aspects of the topic, as it was one of the three topics
the Commission gave priority to7:
in 1951 the ILC studied the Question of Reservations in Multilateral Conventions,
in 1963 it reported on the Question of Extended Participation in General
Multilateral Treaties Concluded under the Auspices of the League of Nations, in
1978 the Commission summarized years of work in the Vienna Convention on the
Succession of States in respect of Treaties8.
However, it is with the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties that the
Commission reached its greatest success in this area.
The ILC decided in 1962 to appoint a Drafting Committee in charge of preparing
the draft articles on the law of treaties. The aim of the ILC was originally to
produce an expository code of a general character, primarily descriptive or
exhortative, however, in 1961, it decided that the work should have been
focusing in another direction, as reported by the Commission itself:
First, an expository code, however well formulated, cannot in the nature of
things be so effective as a convention for consolidating the law; and the
consolidation of the law of treaties is of particular importance at the present
time when so many new States have recently become members of the international
community. Secondly, the codification of the law of treaties through a
multilateral convention would give all the new States the opportunity to
participate directly in the formulation of the law if they so wished; and their
participation in the work of codification appears to the Commission to e
extremely desirable in order that the law of treaties may be placed upon the
widest and most secure foundations.9
The work was originally carried out in English and French as working languages,
however, in 1964, Spanish was added as a third one. The basic texts for the
Drafting Committee were produced in English by Sir Humphrey Waldock, Special
Rapporteur, on the basis of the debates, but the drafting process itself was
then trilingual; subsequently the Secretariat prepared the Russian and Chinese
translations of the ILC draft articles. The five different language versions
were all given equal status, given the fact that the language process had been
thoroughly carried out as well as the work on the concordance between the
different versions after the drafting process had ended in 1966.
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties was signed at Vienna, on 23 May
1969, in a single copy in the Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish
languages, each text being equally authentic10.
The 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and the interpretation
The 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties deals each and every
aspect of the topic, however, for the aim of this paper, only a few articles are
relevant, specifically: 31, 32, 33 (regarding interpretation) and 79 (on the
correction of errors).
Questions arisen in the drafting of Article 33
Article 33 is in particular dedicated to the interpretation of treaties in
different languages:
Interpretation of treaties authenticated in two or more languages
1. When a treaty has been authenticated in two or more languages, the text
is equally authoritative in each language, unless the treaty provides or the
parties agree that, in case of divergence, a particular text shall prevail.
2. A version of the treaty in a language other than one of those in which the
text was authenticated shall be considered an authentic text only if the treaty
so provides or the parties so agree.
3. The terms of the treaty are presumed to have the same meaning in each
authentic text.
4. Except where a particular text prevails in accordance with paragraph 1, when
a comparison of the authentic texts discloses a difference of meaning which the
application of articles 31 and 32 does not remove, the meaning which best
reconciles the texts, having regard to the object and purpose of the treaty,
shall be adopted.
There are two important terminological questions which arose during the drafting
session of the ILC regarding this article. The first was the problematic
distinction between a text and a version of a multilingual treaty, on which
opinion was divided in two positions. On one side there was the conviction that
there is only one text of a treaty, of which there might be versions in several
languages, the main point used to defend this thesis was the fact that
considering a treaty as existing in several different texts, would have
derogated to the principle of unity of the treaty as a single document. However,
in the opposite terms, it had been observed that international practice spoke
quite often of authentic texts rather than authentic versions of a treaty11,
moreover it was doubtful whether the principle of unity of a treaty was
derogated more by the term “text” than by the term “version”. The decision was
to have the first interpretation prevail, in order to give a distinction between
the language versions which have been explicitly given the status of authentic
text, from the ones which have not. This result reflected in the wording of
Article 33 of the Vienna Convention of 1969, in which “text” should be referred
to as any rendition in a language in which the treaty was authenticated, whereas
“version” refers also to languages other than those in which the text was
The second question to be considered refers to treaties drawn up, authentic,
authenticated and authoritative in different languages. This group of terms has
lead to some terminological problems, as the distinction between them might seem
somewhat unclear. Leaving out the details of the discussion, the result has been
that, in a general way, an authentic text, which is authoritative, is one which
may be relied upon for purposes of interpretation. Moreover, “sometimes a text
of a treaty is authentic between some parties, and a different text between
other parties. The practice was mentioned of bilateral treaties ‘drawn up’ in
the national languages of both parties, which were regarded as ‘authentic’, and
to which a translation in a third, widely known diplomatic language considered
to be “authoritative” was annexed. Other bilateral treaties ‘drawn up’ in two
languages were ‘authentic’ only in one of them”13.
In the frame work of the Vienna Convention, it is important to make a
distinction between two articles, both dealing with authenticity, which are
slightly different: Article 10 considers the cases in which the status of
authenticity is given to a text of a treaty, article 33, on the other hand,
deals with the status of authenticity of different language versions of a treaty.
Here again, the distinction between “text” and “version” plays an important role.
Articles 31, 32, 33 and the process of multilingual interpretation14
Article 31
General Rule of Interpretation
1) A treaty shall be interpreted in good faith in accordance with the
ordinary meaning to be given to the terms of the treaty in their context and in
the light of its object and purpose.
2) The context for the purpose of the interpretation of a treaty shall comprise,
in addition to the text, including its preamble and annexes:
(a) any agreement relating to the treaty which was made between all the parties
in connection with the conclusion of the treaty;
(b) any instrument which was made by one or more parties in connection with the
conclusion of the treaty and accepted by the other parties as an instrument
related to the treaty.
3) There shall be taken into account, together with the context:
(a) any subsequent agreement between the parties regarding the interpretation of
the treaty or the application of its provisions;
(b) any subsequent practice in the application of the treaty which establishes
the agreement of the parties regarding its interpretation;
(c) any relevant rules of international law applicable in the relations between
the parties.
4) A special meaning shall be given to a term if it is established that the
parties so intended.
Article 32
Supplementary Means of Interpretation
Recourse may be had to supplementary means of interpretation, including the
preparatory work of the treaty and the circumstances of its conclusion, in order
to confirm the meaning resulting from the application of article 31, or to
determine the meaning when the interpretation according to article 31:
(a) leaves the meaning ambiguous or obscure; or
(b) leads to a result which is manifestly absurd or unreasonable.
Article 31 is the one to refer to when dealing with “plain” interpretation of
treaties, however it is article 33 the most important for interpreting
multilingual treaties and it should therefore be the first to be relied on in
such cases.
The starting point of the process is paragraph 3 of article 33: “The terms of
the treaty are presumed to have the same meaning in each authentic text”. This
presumption, however, is not always possible, quite often, in fact, terms that
are considered to be equivalent in two languages have in fact a somehow
different meaning in their respective languages. This might lead to a problem of
lack of clarity, for which it is necessary to refer to paragraph 4 of the same
article, where it is suggested a comparison of the authentic texts of the
considered treaty, in an effort to find their common meaning.
In the case this method proves unsuccessful as well, that is when there is in
fact a difference in meaning between the texts, the general rule of
interpretation provided by article 31 is applied. If even this would not be
sufficient, article 32 provides some supplementary means of interpretation that
could be used15.
According to paragraph 4 of article 33, if all these efforts do not solve the
arisen problem, “the meaning which best reconciles the texts, having regard to
the object and purpose of the treaty, shall be adopted”.
As a last possibility, as pointed out by Sir Humphrey Waldock, “if no
reconciliation of the texts was possible, the interpretation should be left to
be determined in the light of all the circumstances”16.
The correction of errors in multilingual treaties: article 79 of the Vienna
Articles 31 to 33 of the Vienna Convention of 1969 deal with interpretation,
article 79 deals specifically with the correction of mistakes in international
treaties. Apparently, these articles belong to two different fields, however, in
certain cases it is problematic to determine whether a situation should be
treated under an article rather than under the others.
The key to the solution of this question is interpretation itself: article 79 (considering
only paragraph 3, which specifically relates to multilingual treaties) provides
that the article itself and its provisions apply to multilingual treaties when
“it appears that there is a lack of concordance which the signatory States and
the contracting States agree should be corrected”. Two are hence the conditions
under which article 79 should be applied: there is a lack of concordance between
two language versions of a treaty and all parties do not give rise to disputes
or problems.
If the problem is not left undisputed (and therefore requires interpretation),
the situation ceases to be relevant for article 79 and falls under the rules of
interpretation provided by articles 31 to 33, or, in another case, if one or
more parties consider the error to be essential, article 48 applies:
A State may invoke an error in a treaty as invalidating its consent to be
bound by the treaty if the error relates to a fact or situation which was
assumed by that State to exist at the time when the treaty was concluded and
formed an essential basis of its consent to be bound by the treaty17
Problems of multilingual interpretation18
The previous chapter was centred on the phenomenon of multilingualism, which has
become usual in the practice of international law. The International Law
Commission is the highest authority in international law, with the duty of
promoting the progressive development of international law and its codification.
Taking into account its object, the ILC has drafted several conventions, among
which is the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969; this convention
provides the fundamental procedures of interpretation of international treaties
in its articles 31, 32, 33.
However, interpretation, and specifically the multilingual one, is not a smooth
process, in fact several obstacles can occur. First of all, translation is never
precise, as terms in different languages assume slightly different meanings that
can originate infinite political implications. Also, translation is a
long-lasting process and is rarely coordinated with the political process of
negotiations and acceptance, which may cause discrepancies. These considerations
lead to the problem of defining what text or version should be considered
authentic when these two factors (time and terminology) occur.
Partially untied from the other ones, but still in the same framework, some
disputes have arisen from the structure of the Vienna Convention: One is linked
to the concept of unity of the treaty and to how it applies during the
interpretation process, before or after a divergence between two texts is
discovered. The second one analyses the rules provided by the Convention with
regard to a possible hierarchy on the rules to rely on.
Terminological problems and solutions19
It is generally difficult to find an exact correspondence between a term in
a language and an equivalent term in another language, let alone in the
framework of international law, where sometimes terms in one legal system have
even no equivalent in another one. It is interesting that this problem occurs
not only within systems whose official languages are different, but also within
countries that share the same language but attribute slightly different meanings
to the same words.
There are four main kinds of terms that can be identified with respect to this
Terms that sound alike in two languages but have different meanings
It is crucial that the translator put as much attention into properly
choosing terms which are to be used in his job, but, since even translators are
human beings, sometimes it might occur that a term that sounds like the one to
translate will be used for that purpose.
However, “words which sound almost alike in two different languages but have
different meaning are a common source of confusion and misunderstanding. For
example, while the French verb demander means ‘to ask, request’, the English
like-sounding demand is much more forceful; the French verb contrôler is often
mistakenly rendered as ‘to control’”20.
Terms that have more than one literal translation
This is another situation that might occur, “for example, should the Russian
expression obschii poriadok be translated into German as allgemeines Recht (general
law) or gemeinsames Recht (common law)? Is the term nierushimost’ (inviolability)
more accurately rendered as Unantastbarkeit, or the weaker Unverletzichkeit?”21
Terms that have no translation in another legal system
It is not uncommon to face the impossibility of translation, because the
other legal system does not even conceive a similar concept (for example when
anglosaxon and roman systems are involved). For example, “art.1.1 letter d of
the Geneva Convention of 1948 on the International Recognition of Rights in
Aircraft indicates “l’hypothèque, le ‘mortgage’ et tout droit similaire” in the
French text, “the ‘hypothèque’, the mortgage, and all similar rights” in the
English text and “la hipoteca, ‘mortgage’ y derechos similares” in the Spanish
text” .22
Translated words whose literal equivalent discloses a different meaning
It might occur that some words, when literally translated, result in an
existent term in another language which nevertheless has a different meaning.
“For example, alsbald in German may mean ‘as soon as possible’, while in French
aussitôt, the equivalent rendition of the two parts of the word, when used alone
always has the stronger meaning of ‘fortwith’”23.
Possibile solutions24
These obstacles have been partially alleviated by new instruments such as
the compilation of multilingual glossaries (for example the UN terminology
something comparable to a normal dictionary, but with a special focus on the
problems outlined above, on the framework of the object of translation or on its
topic. However, even with the help of this instrument, the problem could not be
completely solved because glossaries, being very specific and thorough in
explanation, give access to a very high number of meanings and implications.
This in the end might lead to a solution, but would result in devoting too much
time to the process (see infra). Nevertheless, their usefulness has been
proven by practice.
Several other attempts have been done in order to ease off translations, such as
implementing the results achieved by the International Institute for the
Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), an independent intergovernmental
organisation, whose purpose is to study needs and methods for modernising,
harmonising and co-ordinating private and in particular commercial law as
between States and groups of States26.
Although its field of interest is private or commercial law, its achievements
are fully adaptable to the needs of international law.
A last resource for translation needs mentioned: technology. Communication
technologies are particularly important for instant, long-distance translations
for the impact they have on the time factor (see infra), which is in this
case almost non-existent. However, for international treaties things change.
Although time plays an important role, accuracy cannot be avoided. Referral to
technology is hence to translating machines, or, in a more general way,
computers. Theoretically the idea of inserting a text written in English and
witnessing an almost-instantaneous translation is correct. However,
the feasibility of a fully automatic and accurate translating machine…
requiring… literary components and judgement value, seems doubtful. These areas
will continue to require human attention to avoid results such as the
translation of the English phrase “out of sight, out of mind” into the Russian
as “invisible or insane”, or the expression “the spirit is willing, but the
flesh is weak” as “the whiskey is all right, but the meat has gone bad”.
(…) [However], although still in a research stage, the use of electronic means
for linguistic ends is progressing in the framework of the European Communities27.
Terminology as a tool of diplomacy
At times, however, terminological problems can be helpful in order to solve
problems or ease off tensions in delicate situation.
A historic example is the role that UN Security Council’s Resolution 242 (1967)
played in the 1967 Israel-Palestine crisis, specifically, translation itself has
been capable of easing off all diplomatic tensions. The connection is on the
clause regarding the withdrawal of troops from occupied territories: “the
notable omissions in regard to withdrawal are the words ‘the’ or ‘all’ and ‘the
June 5, 1967 lines’... the resolution speaks of withdrawal from occupied
territories, without defining the extent of withdrawal"28.
On top, the word “the” is absent in the Russian language and not always
necessary in English29.
The time factor
This problem is not linked with doctrine or theory of international law: it
is the result of the practice that has been developing in the drafting and
signing of international multilingual treaties in history.
The difference between a text and a version of a treaty has been analysed
earlier in chapter 2; recalling that difference, what the parties sign after
having agreed on a topic, is a text of a treaty that may consist of several
language versions. In the current practice, it happens that some parties avoid
or neglect to verify the correspondence between the translated texts before
signing; this is the moment in which the time factor gains importance. The focus
is here brought on the period elapsing from the moment when the draft of the
text is finished in the working language or languages to the moment when the
treaty is translated in the other languages that will be considered official.
Taking it to the extreme, there are even cases when the parties sign a text
whose language versions have not yet been completed.
“Generally in current practice, the very concept of multilingual authenticity
often contains a fictitious legal element, in the sense that sometimes the
parties are in fact authenticating a nonexistent text. Likewise, a somewhat
similar problem, although less disturbing from a visual and temporal viewpoint,
exists when an authentic version which has not been negotiated by the parties is
produced by the technical service of a secretariat and is not actually reviewed
by the signatory”.
In reality, time is only a variable in a wider problem, which deals with
authenticity. The question is on whether the translated text of a treaty should
receive the status of being authentic or it should be considered in a minor
position with respect to the originally drafted version.
The following paragraph is devoted to the analysis of this topic.
The status of different multilingual authentic texts in the interpretation
“The texts of an authentic multilingual document, which are of legal
validity to the parties for purposes of interpretation, may be subdivided
according to:
a. Working o official language versions,
b. Drafted or translated versions, and
c. Versions originally authenticated at the time of signature, or those
authenticated at a later date”30.
The problems arising from this subdivision is whether all these authentic
versions should be considered at an equal level or it exists a sort of hierarchy
between them, as the two factors of time and terminology concur to determine the
three groups here.
There was, originally, a distinction between working and official languages, as
in the case of the UN Charter, for which English and French, being the languages
used for drawing up and drafting the text of the Charter, are considered to
carry more weight with respect to Chinese, Russian and Spanish. However, in the
current practice, the number of working languages has dramatically increased,
reducing and somehow even blurring the distinction between them and official
languages. It is the reason why they can be considered in a single group now, as
the legal weight of a working language has very much decreased due to this
With regard to drafted or translated versions, the 1969 Vienna Convention might
be taken as an example. Its Article 85, in the final provisions states that the
“Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic”31,
however, reviewing the history of the drafting process, English and French were
the two original working languages, Spanish was subsequently added as a third
and the Chinese and Russian versions of the final draft articles were prepared
by the ILC Secretariat. Given this situation, it appears that there is a
contrast between the provision of Article 85 and the facts relating to the
drafting process. Is it really correct to consider equal a version drafted in an
official language, and hence reflecting the intentions of the parties, and a
version translated by language experts, technically competent but not involved
in actual negotiations?
As for the third group, if the status of authenticity has been granted to
several language versions, they are all considered to be equal, regardless of
whether some have been produced after an interval of years or even if they have
been accepted before having been drafted (see above, “the time factor”). However,
at least in case of divergence or contrast, the versions belonging to this third
group are granted a lesser interpretative value.
The unity of multilingual documents32
The principle of unity of a multilingual document can be understood by
considering the fact that all language versions are thought to represent a
single document (or text) and that, being such, they all embody a single meaning.
In fact, “in law there is only one treaty – one set of terms accepted by the
parties and one common intention with respect to those terms – even when two
authentic texts appear to diverge”33.
Plurilingual in expression, the treaty remains a single treaty with a single
set of terms the interpretation of which is governed be the rules set out in
articles 27 and 28 [31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention]. The unity of the treaty
and of each of its terms is of fundamental importance in the interpretation of
plurilingual treaties and it is safeguarded by combining with the principle of
the equal authority of authentic texts the presumption that the terms are
intended to have the same meaning in each text.34
What does this imply? When interpretation is needed, should the right to rely on
only one version (according to the principle of unity) be invoked, or should
there better be an obligation to consult several versions?
There are two different cases in which this question is ought to be considered:
before a divergence emerges and after a divergence has emerged.
Before the discovery of a divergence
In this case, the starting point should be Article 33(3) if the Vienna
The terms of the treaty are presumed to have the same meaning in each
authentic text.
This presumption implies that it is theoretically irrelevant to consult one or
more versions, although consulting several would result in greater accuracy of
the interpretation. Of course the positions in doctrine are not uniform, with
some authors maintaining a side and vice versa, however, nor the Vienna
Convention nor other ones provide any obligation for consulting several versions
instead of one. The rationale of this lack of obligation is easily understood:
simply there are very, very few experts or groups of experts who are able to
manage more languages in the framework of international law.
After the discovery of a divergence
In such a situation, the principle that holds this entire digression is put
at stake: should the presumption of unity of a treaty still continue to hold or
should one language version prevail on the others when two language versions
suggest two different provisions? In other words, do articles 31, 32 and 33 of
the Vienna Convention indicate that a more correct version, to which preference
shall be given, could be identified among all?
In its 1966 commentary to the Final Draft articles, the ILC states that “every
effort should be made to find a common meaning for the texts before preferring
one to another” , and therefore reaffirms that the principle of unity should be
maintained. However, in the same sentence it is provided that there could be a
possibility to prefer a text to another, if all other possible methods have
proved unsuccessful, as stated in Article 33 of the Convention.
The structure of this Article has created a rather harsh dispute, as one hand it
provides the principle of equality in texts and on the other it provides an
exception to the principle itself. Some authors regard this paradox to the
article and to the attitude of the ILC, which “shows discrepancies and is
unsatisfactory” (Bernhardt), others believe the ILC to be free of guilt and
regard this “exception” to be “a simple consequence of the very nature of the
presumption” (Germer).
In a nutshell, there is no solution to this question, the disputes have been
going on for years and they will probably keep on going as, lacking a general
rule “the answer probably differs for each individual linguistic discrepancy”36.
A Hierarchical Order in the Rules of Interpretation?
There are three points that need elucidation regarding this topic: whether
the paragraphs of article 31 are put in a sort of order or hierarchy, whether
articles 31 and 32 are to be considered at the same level, whether the procedure
and the linkages between the articles should change when interpreting
multilingual treaties.
Regarding the first point, an answer can be found in the way article 31 is
provided: a “general rule of interpretation”. The ILC, by choosing to define
this article as a single rule instead of several ones, has chosen to indicate
that the four paragraphs are intensively connected within each other, and that,
having been drafted as a whole and on logical, rather than on hierarchical basis,
their application involves a single operation. This vision is generally accepted
and largely undisputed in international law, in fact, when considering all the
possible context that could occur, having a pattern to follow would be too
constrictive, whereas a certain amount of freedom in the art of interpretation
is needed.
The second dispute takes place on a comparison level: the provisions of article
32 are labelled as “supplementary means of interpretation”, does this imply that
article 31 should enjoy a higher position? Moving to a broader approach, the
question is really on whether precedence should be given to the text of the
treaty over the intentions of the parties (Bernhardt), or if the two are to be
considered at the same time for a starting point (Mc Dougal). It doesn’t seem
however that the ILC has had many doubts on stating the correct viewpoint from
which the situation should be analysed. Although it pointed out that it did not
intend to draw a rigid line between the two, the provisions of article 31 are
considered as enjoying a superior authentic character in relation to the
elements in article 3237.
Since many more factors are implied, multilingual interpretation is, in many
terms, different than “normal” interpretation. This draws attention to the
thesis, according to which, the same set of rules is not as proper in such cases,
and therefore also all the existing links and relations within articles and
paragraphs should be reviewed under a different light. However, such a thought
does not take into account two elements:
1. since there is not a strict pattern to be followed, the considered rules
result to be pretty plastic and can be adapted in different ways.
2. the general (and non-written) procedure outlined (see supra, “Articles 31,
32, 33 and the interpretation process”), which is generally accepted, is just an
enlargement of the plain procedure used for unilingual interpretation.
In conclusion “the system of interpretation for multilingual treaties is the
same as for those which are unilingual, featuring only the added element of the
comparison of the texts”38
A “transversal” problem: the provisions of article 32 – “the supplementary
means of interpretation”39
Article 32 states that “recourse may be had to supplementary means of
interpretation, including the preparatory work of the treaty and the
circumstances of its conclusion”40.
There are two points of major concern that this article leaves unsolved: first,
the problem regarding the opposability of the preparatory works to States that
had not participated in the negotiations, secondly, article 32 does not indicate
any criteria for individuating other supplementary means, different from the two
quoted ones.
Regarding the first point,
The problem of the opposability of the preparatory works of a treaty to
States that had not participated in the negotiations has been solved differently
[…]. Some maintained that a State that had not participated to negotiations is
not entitled to know the positions maintained by the States and that it is only
bound by the text of the treaty, especially when the working papers have not
been published.
Against this position, some others argued that the States agree on a treaty, not
on a “text” and, especially, when considering the perspective of the agreement,
they don’t just quickly read the text, but prepare accurate studies [on the
Moreover […] the exclusion of relying on the working papers in the relationships
with some States would lead to use two different criteria in the interpretation
of the same treaty, which would then assume two different meanings.41
Another linkage to this point derives from the interpretation of single words,
or terms, there are three cases that ought to be considered:
1. When the ordinary meaning of a term results absurd or unreasonable;
2. When the general rule does not allow to distinguish, within all the special
and ordinary meanings of the considered term, which one is the one to be taken
into account in the contingent situation;
3. When, although it exists an ordinary meaning of a term, it is to another one
that the parties have chosen to consider, manifesting their intention in the
preparatory works.
Point 1 does not imply particular difficulties for the interpreter, as the main
point to rely on is considered to be the “object and purpose of the treaty”. A
different situation exists in points 2 and 3, where the discretion of the
interpreter assumes a much broader importance and where, consequently, the risks
of misunderstandings and conflicts on interpretation are much higher42.
Regarding the second point, it is to exclude that the two quoted methods are to
be considered the only accepted ones. The use of the term “including” in the
English version is enough to give credit to this interpretation. However, in the
case other “supplementary means” are accepted, problems of contradiction within
them might occur. Specific referral is made to the technical rules or logics of
the interpretative ratio, embodied in sentences such as ut res magis valeat
quam pereat, expressio unius exclusio alterius, genus per specialia derogatur,
in dubio mitius etc. The principles here expressed are common in most
juridical environments and are applicable in very different situations and with
very different goals. Exactly for their nature so common and, also, so vague,
the interpreters must be very careful not only in recalling them, but also, and
most of all, in selecting them. The interpreter is, in such cases, awarded with
a broad range of discretion and freedom for his job; however, this vastness of
choice might also result in a greater difficulty for fulfilling the task as, for
their lack of specificity, these general principles might act as a farther
obstacle for they might be applied in several different ways and, when many of
them are used for the interpretation process, might also build a rather
complicated network of contradictions.
> STEFANIA BARIATTI, L’interpretazione delle convenzioni internazionali
di diritto uniforme, in Studi e pubblicazioni della rivista di diritto
internazionale privato e processuale, 1986;
> JEFFREY S. MORTON, The International Law Commission of the United Nations,
2000, Columbia, SC, United States of America;
> MALA TABORY, Multilingualism in international law and institutions,
Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands, 1980;
> SIR ARTHUR WATTS, The International Law Commission 1949 – 1998, 1999,
New York, NY, United States of America;
> Charter of the United Nations;
> Statute of the International Law Commission;
> Yearbook of the International Law Commission 1962, 1966;
> Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969;
> Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International
Organizations of 1978;
> International Law Commission Commentary to the Final Draft Articles of the
1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.
1 For more infomation on interpretation and the implications
regarding its practical application see: STEFANIA BARIATTI, L’interpretazione
delle convenzioni internazionali di diritto uniforme, in Studi e pubblicazioni
della rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale, 1986.
2 STEFANIA BARIATTI, L’interpretazione, p. 264, 1986.
3 JEFFREY S. MORTON, The International Law Commission of the
United Nations, 2000, Columbia, SC, United States of America, p. 4.
4 Charter of the United Nations, article 13, paragraph 1, l.a.
5 Statute of the International Law Commission, article 1,
paragraph 1: “The Commission shall have for its object the promotion of the
progressive development of international law and its codification”.
6 - for more information refer to the
Yearbook of the International Law Commission.
7 SIR ARTHUR WATTS, The International Law Commission 1949 –
1998, 1999, New York, NY, United States of America, p. 610.
8 Ibid., p. 610.
1962), Vol. II, p. 160, para. 17.
10 MALA TABORY, Multilingualism in international law and
institutions, Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands, 1980, p. 100 to 101.
11 An example of this practice can be found in the Charter of
the United Nations itself at Article 111: “The present Charter, of which the
Chinese, French, Russian, English, and Spanish texts are equally authentic,
shall remain deposited in the archives of the Government of the United States of
America. Duly certified copies thereof shall be transmitted by that Government
to the Governments of the other signatory states”. This is also considered to be
“consuetudinary law”.
12 MALA TABORY, Multilingualism, p. 170 to 171.
13 MALA TABORY, Multilingualism, p. 172.
14 The 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties refers
specifically to treaties within States, Treaties within other actors are ruled
by the Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International
Organizations of 1978. Rules on interpretation can be found at articles 31, 32,
33, which recall exactly the Vienna Convention of 1969.
15 It is necessary to point out that, although the provisions
of article 32 are regarded as “supplementary”, there is no distinction between
them and the general rule because the ermeneutical process mantains its
sistematical unity (S. Barlatti).
16 YBILC, (1966-I) 874th meeting, para. 13.
17 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969, Article
48, paragraph. 1.
18 Please note that the quoted articles are the ones of the
1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, but the concepts here explained
can be applied to treaties whose parties are not necessarily only States, but
also – for example – international organisations.
19 For a practical example, see MALA TABORY, Multilingualism,
Appendix – “Use of Languages in the UN System”, p. 237.
20 MALA TABORY, Multilingualism, p.133.
21 Ibid., p.132.
22 STEFANIA BARIATTI, L’Interpretazione, p.140.
23 MALA TABORY, Multilingualism, p.133.
24 See MALA TABORY, Multilingualism, Conclusion, page 227 to
25 The UN terminology bulletins currently in use are a very
large number. Their application started in the early 1970s and it now covers the
most diverse fields, from “Tea Terminology” (1979) to “UNCTAD: General
terminology - provisional glossary of titles” (1983).
27 MALA TABORY, Multilingualism, p. 141.
28 Arthur J. Goldberg. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
(1965-1967), June 10, 1977.
29 MALA TABORY, Multilingualism, p.135.
30 MALA TABORY, Multilingualism, p. 193.
31 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969, Article
32 Specifically in this case, see note 18.
33 ILC Commentary to Article 29 of the Final Draft Articles of
the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, para. 6.
34 Ibid. para. 7.
35 Ibid. para. 7.
36 MALA TABORY, Multilingualism, p. 202.
37 ILC Commentary on articles 27, 28 of the Final Draft
Articles of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, para. 9.
38 MALA TABORY, Multilingualism, p. 195.
39 See note 18.
40 Vienna Convention, Art. 32.
41 STEFANIA BARIATTI, L’Interpretazione, p.211.
42 STEFANIA BARIATTI, L’Interpretazione, p.205 to 207.
Pubblicato su
il 14/01/2008